



Virgins and Random mated queens



Virgins and Random mated queens

Island mated queens

Virgins and Random mated queens

Ripe queen cells, 10 days after grafting (min 10 pcs)

Pickup required


Virgin queens

Available from 1st. of June until 1st. of August

Price in € 17.- (€ 13.50 ex. VAT)




Random mated: 
Main season

Available rom 25th of June and until mid September. (or as long as stock lasts)

Price in € 50.- (€ 40.- ex. VAT)




Random mated queens, spring season

Spring sales are very limited, as it is difficult to predict how much there will be available for sale, before the bees are checkded first time after the winter. Reservations are therefore subject to change until April.

Price in € 100.- (€ 80.- ex VAT).




Island mated queens

Island mated queens, Newly mated

Available from late June and until late September.


Even in the most uniform breeding stock, there will be variation on the offspring of a fully tested breederqueen. Therefore we recommend, that at least a basic test on wintering and honey yield is made, before the first grafting is done. This might sound unneccesary complicated, but the outcome in the subsequent generation, will always be way better. A 5 to 10 kilo higher honey yield per hive is easily achieved with just the most basic tests done.
Buying just 1 single queen is like buying a single note in a lottery, which will never be favorable, eventhough this 'lottery' has a fairly high chance of pay out.

To level these variations, and to give you as customer the best experience, the minimum order on newly mated island mated queens is 3 queens.

Price in € 150.- (€ 120.- ex. VAT).




Spring queens

Spring sales are very limited, as it is difficult to predict how much there will be available for sale, before the bees are checkded first time after the winter. Reservations are therefore subject to change until April.


Even in the most uniform breeding stock, there will be variation on the offspring of a tested breederqueen. This means, in practical life, that selection is to be made on all levels, for optimal performance in next generation after. Buying just 1 single queen is like buying a single note in a lottery, which will never be favorable, eventhough this 'lottery' has a fairly high chance of pay out.

To level these variations, and to give you as customer the best experience, we recommend you to buy 2 queens.

Price in € 218.- (€ 175.- ex. VAT).




Selected 2 year old breeder queens

Very limited numbers.

Please make requests well in advance.


2 year old queens are elderly ladies, seen from the perspective of a bee colony. They are therefore to be treated with the highest possible consideration. Do always introduce them in a relatively small nuc, who is absolutely queenless. Old queens and foreign bees is a tricky combination, so greatest possible care is to be taken throughout her life.

Price in € 670.- (€ 536.- ex. VAT)




Veterinary export certificate

Price in € 120.-





Lynghonningen er honningernes kraftkarl hvad angår smag. Den mørke og bløde honning kan virkeligt sætte smag på mad og bagværk, men er, om man er til de stærke varer, også en himmerigsmundfuld på et stykke godt brød. Vi flytter bierne ud på klitheden ved de nordjyske kyster, når der skal samles lynghonning.
380g. pr. glas



Sensommerhonningen samler bierne typisk i august måned, hvor vi ofte, efter en periode uden decideret nektartræk, får et stille træk på forskellige nektarkilder, som kan være lidt uforudsigelige, dog er der stort set altid et vist træk på Kløver. En lidt mørkere og, efter nogle måneders modning, blødere honning end de tidlige sorter. Sensommerhonningen har som oftest med god krydret smag.
380g. pr. glas




Maj og første halvdel af juni måned er den tid på året, hvor mængden, og mangfoldigheden, af blomster i naturen er allerstørst. Det giver en honning med en utrolig mangfoldighed, hvad angår smagsnuancer i honningen. Forsommerhonningen er en lys, mild og relativ fast honning, som bevarer sin cremede konsistens rigtigt godt.
380g. pr. glas
